Strategically located Township
Embrace sophisticated living in a modern safe environment
« Superb construction using modern construction equipment « Quality Control at every stage from procurement to final inspection « Timely delivery of Projects « Clear Land Titles « Conformity to Statutory Regulations and Requirements « Approved by Financial Institutions « A Qualified, experienced and competent Team Indus
Vedanta Kunj, NH 58, Siwaya-Jamalullapur, Uttar Pradesh 250110
House Plan
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Exclusive gated community
[divider width=”2000px”]A peaceful oasis and a modern home
[divider width=”2000px”]Choice of various size Plot area
[divider width=”2000px”]Choose from 2 to 4 Bedrooms
[divider width=”2000px”]Modular Kitchen
[divider width=”2000px”]Toilets with world class fittings
[divider width=”2000px”]Soothing greenery and landscaping
[divider width=”2000px”]Multiple parks dedicated for children, elderly and community gatherings
[divider width=”2000px”]Free hold MDA approved land. No encumbrances
[divider width=”2000px”]Hi-tech round-the-clock security system with CCTV arrangement
[divider width=”2000px”] [gap]Location Advantages